Expert corner for hidromechanical equipment
News, Technology, and Innovations in Hydromechanics.
Business in the time of COVID-19
Business in the Time of COVID-19Business in the Time of COVID-19. COVID-19 has affected us all, both personally and professionally. This time of uncertainty, concern for our health and that of our employees, and the fear of market survival has shown us how quickly a...
Everyone does everything…or not!?
Everyone does everything...or not!?Everyone does everything...or not!? Although over 90% of companies in Croatia are categorized as micro and small, many young people hesitate to work in these smaller businesses or join larger corporations. Working in either has its...
A small company for big projects
A Small Company for Big ProjectsA Small Company for Big Projects. Our work involves supplying and installing equipment for various water supply, drainage, and purification applications. It’s especially rewarding to work with water as a shared resource, one we haven't...
Who’s afraid of entrepreneurship anymore?
Who's afraid of entrepreneurship anymore?Who's afraid of entrepreneurship anymore? Who we are and what we do can be summed up in just one sentence: "We are business owners and resource managers (both human and material), taking on risks to achieve profit." This single...