Who’s afraid of entrepreneurship anymore?

Who’s afraid of entrepreneurship / Tko se boji poduzetništva još? / Kdo se še boji podjetništva?

Who’s afraid of entrepreneurship anymore?

Who’s afraid of entrepreneurship anymore? Who we are and what we do can be summed up in just one sentence: “We are business owners and resource managers (both human and material), taking on risks to achieve profit.” This single sentence from any Entrepreneurship 101 course sums up all the work, effort, learning, dedication, and actions we invest to achieve results and reach our goals.

We’re the second generation to take over and continue the business. My father-in-law started the company in the early 90s due to the political and economic situation, leaving him little choice, whereas we continued it because we wanted to. I was the first to work with the founder, starting with simple administrative tasks, until one day, he entrusted me with the managerial role of director. Given that I’ve always been someone who strives for growth and development, I embraced the opportunity.

The business developed in a positive direction, our projects were of high quality, and demand for our products and services grew. At one point, we reached a stage where we needed to professionalize operations, requiring the right person for the job. Around the same time, my husband felt a need for a career change and decided to join our team. Now we live and work together—privately as spouses and parents, professionally as colleagues and partners.
Now we both have undefined working hours, high levels of stress, unlimited responsibility, and daily risk, and we can’t even complain about bringing work home anymore! Naturally, one might wonder why we even went into this in the first place.

When you’re someone unafraid of change, who wants to utilize all their potential and have control over their life, entrepreneurship becomes a natural path. As an entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to make things better for yourself and your surroundings, to do what you love, and if you profit, you can consider yourself successful. The main reason we’re in this business is that we want to continuously push our boundaries, skills, and capabilities, and entrepreneurship offers just that.

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