A small company for big projects

A small company / Mala tvrtka / Majhno podjetje

A Small Company for Big Projects

A Small Company for Big Projects. Our work involves supplying and installing equipment for various water supply, drainage, and purification applications. It’s especially rewarding to work with water as a shared resource, one we haven’t inherited from our ancestors but rather borrowed from future generations. From an economic standpoint, we’re classified as a micro-enterprise, but we feel quite big ourselves as the company celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.

One common question is how many employees we have. There are between 10 and 15 of us, plus several external collaborators, depending on the scale of our projects. Does having fewer employees mean a company is less valuable? I wouldn’t say so. We’re a small company that strives to provide a positive work environment and business culture, fostering relationships with all economic and social stakeholders. In our small team, everyone pitches in, working closely with employees and partners, making us a reliable partner for the larger companies we collaborate with. In a small team, everyone contributes to survival, works together to achieve goals, and strengthens the company’s reputation. Our small team has accomplished many big projects, some of which even large companies would be proud of.

In addition to being a micro-enterprise, we’re also a family business, as we, the second generation, have taken over and continued operations. According to some studies, only 30% of family businesses survive the transition to the second generation, so we believe that we’ve achieved a significant milestone here as well. Micro-enterprises are especially vulnerable during such transitions since they’re closely tied to the founder’s personality and expertise. By successfully transferring ownership and management, we’ve set the stage for long-term sustainability.

Whether you’re micro or small, if you do your job professionally, employ workers, and contribute to your community, your role in the economy is significant.

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